All of a sudden, not having AC isn't so bad
The most exciting time of the year is coming up & I've got many things in the works already, especially b/c I've got the most free time this year compared to years prior.
Spooky Season is upon us & let's give a s/o to September for this pleasant change in the weather. Hence my title, b/c my lovely car does not have air conditioning & the last few days I have not needed it.
Once I get back home (I'm out of town this weekend) I'll be able to hang some decorations (I know, I'm 5 days late!) which will really jump kick the autumn season.
I've already seen several Haunted Hayrides signs & one Zombie Run sign, though I am not entirely sure what a Zombie Run is. Pumpkin Spice is quite literally everywhere now right along w/ those signs.
My friends & I are attempting to plan a spooky adventure together to a local amusement park, which is proving to be more difficult than anything.
Side Note: That's the weird thing about adults, when you're a teenager you kind of scoff at the idea that they're always busy, ya know? But now, as an adult (ick) I find myself busy more than not &, if we are being completely honest, I'm not sure what keeps me so busy.
Not counting this past week b/c I've been sick (no, I don't want to talk about the wasted time in bed & little to no appetite.) A normal week for me includes a few trips to some local coffee shops to do some writing, that doesn't take away from the time that I also write at the apartment mind you. Writing is probably how I spend the majority of the week or researching for writing, which I've been doing a lot lately instead of actually writing.
Depending on the week, I might have a Carpe Artes meeting on a Saturday.
Working out a couple times a week, for obvious reasons.
Reading is something that I've been doing more & more lately, especially b/c I've started annotating again.
Work, of course, which probably should have been the first thing on the list but whatever.
Then there is all the other bs that comes w/ living on your own: laundry, dishes, cooking dinner (& I'm difficult b/c I chose to cook mainly from scratch), general cleaning, do I need to continue or have I bored you enough w/ this?
Back to the important shit:
So, the friend trip to the amusement part is still up in the air at the moment but, we're hopeful. We've been trying to do something like this for a few years now. There are lots of other things that we can do though, I don't know I feel like I'm rambling now honestly.
I've got a trip planned to D.C. (not spooky related) at the end of this month w/ a friend, which I'm equally excited for.
I don't know dudes, the last couple of weeks I've felt more like myself than I have in a while and it's been so nice. My friends have made comments about how I've seemed happier too, I've even been complemented more which is weird. Or not, I don't know. I've even been wearing green more lately too, which is my favorite color. Bought my dream dog, but I'm waiting to make a special post about him later.
It odd how one change to your life can create so much positivity & bring in so much good energy, makes you feel kind of like an idiot for not doing it sooner. I'll gladly call myself an idiot to keep the happiness that I've found in the last few weeks.
Anyways, everyone is waiting for me to join them at the pool & eventually I'll be expected to bake cookies sometime today so I better go,
w/ amore,
Haunted Lore
(eventually I will decide on a tag line but until then... )
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